Flor Loca
Flor Loca
Wed, August 28th, 2024
Dear Ole Tyme Customers:
As Mexico transitions in to the new crop, there are differences in the appearance, dry matter and flavor profile of the fruit. This is due to the lower maturity of the new crop. The new crop is called the Flor Loca or “off– bloom” and it generally starts harvest in early July.
- As the new crop comes into season the appearance will be bright green in color. The darker skin color seen in the old crop will not be as prevalent and the fruit may hold the green color through the ripening process. Due to the bright green color, lenticel is more visible on the skin’s surface. Lenticel is a surface defect that does not affect the internal quality of the fruit. It is important to note that the Flor Loca crop is harvested during the rainy season in Mexico which could create more lenticel development on the fruit.
Dry Matter:
- The dry matter on the early Flor Loca is lower due to the lower maturity of the fruit. Lower dry matter fruit will have a long shelf life when held at proper cooler temperatures. The lower dry matter will also increase the ripening time of the fruit. It is important to note that the fruit may not darken as much during the ripening process and may hold the bright green color. The best way to check for ripeness is by feel and not rely on the skin color of the fruit.
Flavor Profile:
- The flavor of early season Flor Loca will be mild in taste when compared to late season old crop out of Mexico. This is due to the lower dry matter and oil content in the fruit. As the season progresses, the dry matter and fruit maturity will
If you have any questions, please reach out to your Sales Representative.
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